
发表: 2023年12月5日
类型: 新闻

Dubai, 5 December 2023 - 后, historical India e-truck demand announcement at G20, more than 30 major companies have united as part of the Zero-Emission Vehicles in Emerging Markets Initiative (ZEV-EMI), 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD), US and UK governments under the ZEV Transition Council (ZEVTC), and forged collaborative agreements in emerging markets. 作为突破议程和全球零排放转型路线图的一部分, 这一公私合作行动旨在加速印度零排放汽车(ZEV)价值链的投资, acting as a blueprint for replication in Mexico and worldwide.

尽管占全球汽车销量的近三分之一, emerging markets lag significantly in adopting ZEVs. 根据 国际清洁到2023年,这些市场仅占全球零排放轻型汽车销量的3%. 另外, 新兴市场的充电基础设施仅占全球的2%, posing a risk for global transport decarbonization. 通过调整路线图并为市场和政策制定提供有影响力的信号,私营部门的领导对于解决日益扩大的差距和改革制度至关重要.  

ZEV-EMI合作公司与zeevtc政府合作,解决领先市场与新兴市场之间日益扩大的差距, today announced:

1. 优化规划和促进印度基础设施投资的国家数据共享平台.

从富士通领导的试点建模活动的合作开始, ZEV-EMI企业和合作伙伴组成的联盟在一个国家数据共享平台下联合起来. 在一起, 他们呼吁在数据共享方面进行全国性合作,以预测基础设施需求, provide fact-based recommendations for infrastructure deployment, and create opportunities for associated investments.

2. A为在印度部署大型电子货运试点而组建和融资特别工作组

Led by the Indian government's E-FAST (可持续运输电力货运加速器)倡议, these task forces support unparalleled industry efforts. 超过15家企业已经联合起来,并宣布接近8家,000 e-trucks could be deployed by 2030, including Aditya Birla Group, 亚马逊, 丹佛斯印度, DHL集团, Gentari, 京, 马士基, 雀巢, 百事公司印度, Shree水泥, UltraTech Cement and Tata Chemicals 等.

3. Launch of ZEV-EMI in Mexico

ZEV-EMI联盟还宣布加强努力,支持墨西哥的零排放汽车转型. In the months ahead, 该联盟将围绕基础设施这一共同优先事项探索深化合作的机会, ZEV pilot deployment, and capacity building.

4. Release of the ZEV-EMI collaboration models & best practices collection


“今天的公告展示了ZEV-EMI工作第一年的成功成果,旨在建立伙伴关系,加快私人投资并加强支持性公共政策. Since its launch at COP27, ZEV-EMI已经与世界上两个快速增长的市场——印度和墨西哥的30多个行业领导者合作.  我们将继续支持ZEV-EMI,让企业和政府参与其中,加大努力,帮助移动行业脱碳, invest in the accompanying infrastructure, and diversify the global e-mobility supply chain,”里德舒勒, Managing Director for Implementation and Ambition, Special Presidential Envoy for 气候 John Kerry, U.S. Department of State.

Since the launch of the ZEV-EMI initiative at COP27, more than 30 businesses have given their support to the initiative, including Aditya Birla Group, 亚马逊, Arcadis, 阿斯利康, BloombergNEF, DHL集团, EVage汽车, Eşarj Enerjisa, Fifthwall, 富士通, General Motors, Gentari, 抓住, 日立, 本田, 京, 毕马威(KPMG), LinkedIn, 马士基, 百事可乐, 斯堪尼亚, Shree水泥, 超级, and UltraTech Cement, 等.

The ZEV-EMI action is part of the Global ZEVTC Roadmap, agreed by the ZEVTC governments, 处理道路运输突破的优先事项,并作为zeevtc国际援助工作队的一部分运作, 为希望在交通运输脱碳方面走得更远更快的新兴和发展中经济体提供量身定制的支持.

“英国很自豪能在COP27上与WBCSD和美国政府共同推出ZEV-EMI, 看到这项重要的工作在过去一年蓬勃发展是令人兴奋的, including as part of the ZEV Country Partnership with India. 该倡议填补了为各国提供的国际支持方面的一个关键空白, 为重要的对话提供平台,促进主要国际公司与新兴市场国家之间的伙伴关系. 英国期待ZEV-EMI在未来一年进一步扩大其活动, 包括作为实施ZEV过渡委员会今天发布的全球ZEV过渡路线图的一部分,” 评论 Ed Webber,英国政府融资和部门转型副主任.

"今天的公告标志着行业领导者和ZEVTC政府前所未有的努力取得了成功, notably the United States and the United Kingdom. Since the initiative's launch at COP27, this collaboration has set a global precedent, 为有效的公私伙伴关系提供蓝图,以加速全球零排放车辆的部署,” Diane Holdorf, Executive Vice President, WBCSD.

For more information about this initiative, please reach out to Urska Skrt, Manager, 流动性 Decarbonization.

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